The “70% Tax” That’ll Cause a Stock Market Crash

Ocasio-Cortez’s “Green New Deal” could potentially tax the rich 70%.  This could make the rich switch their assets to cash, causing a stock market crash as money is taken out of the market.

The cost for this legislation, which proposed to…

  • Give a guaranteed job for every American,
  • Reduce carbon emissions to zero,
  • Give high quality health care for all,
  • And more...

...could all spill over to the wealthy and eventually onto everyday investors.

But before we give anymore attention to this lofty legislation, a more pressing matter is on hand that cost much less: to prevent an all out invasion by securing our nation.

While Republicans and Democrats are battling about building a concrete wall on the southern border…

… President Trump may have already moved forward on this plan.  

Thanks to federal directive NSIS-2017federal directive NSIS-2017, Trump’s ALREADY begun authorization on one of America’s most important security measures.

federal directive NSIS-2017A Secret Wall.

One unlikely firm has been tapped to lead the charge on this new initiative.   Surprisingly, you can still pick up shares of this firm’s stock for about $8. But that could change quickly once news of this secret border wall picks up steam. 

federal directive NSIS-2017This free presentation reveals why this little-known $8 stock could be a huge home run.

federal directive NSIS-2017

And you’ll discover why buying this stock today could bankroll your retirement.   federal directive NSIS-2017Click here to view this eye-opening presentation before it goes offline.  

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